Wednesday, 1 July 2009

The Chicago model of militarising schools

For the past four years, I have observed the military occupation of the high school where I teach science. Currently, Chicago's Senn High School houses Rickover Naval Academy. I use the term “occupation” because part of our building was taken away despite student, parent, teacher and community opposition to Rickover's opening.

I personally support secondary military education ... provided it has an acceptance rate similar to the nation's top civilian schools (St. Paul's in New Hampshire, for example, accepts 22% of applicants) and that they need to take the S.S.A.T. and I.S.E.E. like applicants to any other specialised independent school.

In other words, I don't approve of J.R.O.T.C. because it doesn't actually present a significant life advantage to these kids.

Sure, the few of them who are already decided on a military career, this is a great opportunity.

The rest of 'em would be better off becoming Eagle Scouts.

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